Application of Remote Sensing Techniques on Aster Data for Alteration Zones Extraction and Lithological Mapping of Elfawakhir – El-Sid Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: an Approach for Gold Exploration


1 The National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS).

2 Geology Department, Cairo University.


Remote sensing images are widely used in many geological applications; in our research we used remote
sensing techniques for lithological mapping and mineral exploration through extracting the alteration zones
with integration of lineaments density in the study area.
For lithological mapping; False Color Composite (FCC), Color Ratio Composites (CRC) and Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) techniques were used. To extract the alteration zones; Spectral ratio indices,
Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) and spectral signature based supervised classification techniques
named Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) have been applied on
ASTER data. At last, the final alteration map is integrated with lineament density map and the locations of the
old gold mines in the area for introducing the probable potential areas for gold exploration.
