Egyptian Journal of geology, (Eg. J. Geol) is the representative journal of the Geological Society of Egypt. The Egyptian Geological Society was first established at 1952 as a specialized scientific society that aims to join all workers in the field of earth sciences. The Geological Society issued the first issue of its scientific journal in 1957 under the name “Egyptian Journal of Geology,” which is a specialized scientific journal that contains valuable scientific research based on refereeing by a group of scientists and specialists.
After the union with Syria in 1958 and after the publication of the first three issues of the Journal, its name was changed from the fourth issue in 1960 to the Journal of Geology of the UAR, and this name continued until the fifteenth issue in 1971, then it returns to its original name from the sixteenth issue at 1972 to now.
The journal of the Geological Society of Egypt (GSE) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that published once a year. It provides an excellent media for updating current research activities dealing with all aspects of geology. It publishes original research papers, review articles, special issues, short communications and letters to the editor in all aspects of earth sciences that promote geological thinking and geological solution for environmental problems. It aims to provide a wide scope for readers in topics related to general geology. Eg. J. Geol. encourages authors from all countries to submit manuscripts dealing with subjects within the scope of the journal. Also, EJG invites suggestions for special issues; interested parties may contact the editor-in-chief.
Pages 1-9
Anton George Waheeb; Hassan Ismail El Sundoly; Mohamed Metwaly hassan; Hicham Mahmoud Abdel Hamed; Seddiek Hamdy Seddiek
Pages 11-22
Hicham Abdel Hamid
Pages 23-32
Nour Eldin Mohamed Gado; Abd El Moneim Mohamed Osman; Karim Wagih Abdelmalik