Estimating Geophysical and Hydrogeological Parameters through Well Logging and Hydrogeological Data in El-Sadat City Extension, West Nile Delta, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geology, Science, AL-Azhar, Assuit, Egypt .

2 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

3 Geophysical Exploration, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt


EL SADAT has several industrial projects that rely on water resources. Groundwater is one of the most important resources for these initiatives. The Quaternary aquifer is the principal aquifer in the research area. The research area includes a 9000-acre zone for a groundwater station in the process of being completed, as well as its environs. The current study examines the geophysical and hydrogeological properties of the Quaternary aquifer in the El Sadat City expansion. Twelve well logs were collected in the research region. We analyzed well-log data to determine shale volume content (Vsh), true resistivity (R⁠t), aquifer salinity at various depths, and depth to the water table in the research area. Thick sections of graded sand and gravel, each with clay lenses, comprise the subsurface strata in the examined area, according to the well logging data. Well logging results show that Vsh ranges from 16.6 to 5.3% of the average value of 10%, Rt ranges from 148.5 to 101 Ω.m of the average value of 124 Ω.m, salinity ranges from 695 to 270 ppm of the average value of 399 ppm, and static water level averages 27 M.G.L. Seven pumping tests were conducted in the study area. The pumping tests for wells show that their efficiency ranges from 66 to 97%, with an average of 84%. The aquifer's transmissivity ranges from 4133 to 14708 m2/d, with an average value of 8474 m2/d, indicating a high potential aquifer. The quaternary aquifer's hydraulic conductivity values range from 20.7 m/day to 133.6 m/day, with an average of 61.5 m/day, indicating that it is made up of coarse sand.


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